At thirteen months, Jonas is: Â reminding us to pray at the table; pushing and pulling his toys; putting things in and taking things out of containers; shaking his head “no” when he touches something or does something he knows he isn’t supposed to; saying what a fishy says; holding on a little bit when you carry him (which really helps…he’s getting to be quite the tank); climbing and dancing; learning how to throw things (balls, toys, etc.); trying more and more foods (whole milk, egg whites, corn, raspberries, and strawberries); starting to really show his top two teeth when he talks and smiles and laughs; champing through his first ear infection (a double); saying “apah” for “apple”, “goo jah” for “good job”, “papa” for “pasta”, and “t” for “toast”; weaning from his night wakings/feedings and learning how to sleep (all the way) through the night; flirting with transitioning from two naps to one; hitting a HUGE growth spurt (eating like a champ); and slam dunking his pacifier in his crib after naptimes and bedtimes.