Fourteen Months…

In his fourteenth month, Jonas is:  adding a whole new group of words and signs to his repertoire (the words “nana” for “banana”, “mome” for “oatmeal”, “minmin” for “cinnamon”, “mahmen” for “amen”, “bac” for “block”, “buh” for “button”, and “sic” for “music” AND the signs for car, toothbrush, massage, and light); REALLY helping us out by saying “up” and doing the sign for “sleep” when he’s ready for a nap or for bed; drinking whole milk (we have to water it down a bit to work him into the taste/texture but still…he takes it cold and in a sippy); trying a few new foods (tomatoes, oranges, and grapes); blowing on his oatmeal to “cool it off” after Mommy does; enjoying his two new favorite past times (saying “up” with a pleading face and climbing the stairs with Mommy or Daddy right behind him); exploring the house (especially the tupperware and the pots and pans drawer/cupboards in the kitchen); pointing at anything and everything and saying “dat” for “that”; stacking one block on top of another; asking for “music” with the words “sic” and “buh” and the sign for “music” and pushing four different buttons to hear his favorite songs; loving the new turning-the-fan-off/on-and-the-lights-off part of his bedtime routine; starting to explore the world of tantrum throwing; taking one champ nap in the middle of the day (2 to 3 hours) and continuing to sleep 12 to 13 hours at night without making a peep.

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