When I was pregnant with Xander, Jonas would say “see baby”, “hold baby”, “kiss baby”, and “pray baby” every day. In fact, not a day went by that we didn’t “pray baby” together at every nap time and bed time leading up to his arrival. So, it was beyond words precious to see Jonas meet his baby brother, Xander, for the very first time.
You could tell right away that Jonas knew there was something different about this baby. When he saw him, he got really quiet and narrowed his eyes in that curious and figuring things out way that he has and then said “see baby…hold baby” with all of his heart. It took him no time at all to climb into DaDa’s lap and “kiss baby”, as he gently pointed out “baby hands”, “baby eyes”, “baby nose”, and “baby mouth”.
What joy that moment brought to our hearts. Two sweet spirits. Two precious sons. How we have been blessed!!!