In his fourteenth month, Roman is: doing the signs for light and up; nodding yes with much deliberation; saying “up”, “ut” for “out”, “ap” for “apple”, and “ope” for “open”; using “ah-guh” and passionate grunts and gestures as his main mode of communication (“oatmeal” is more like “oh-guh”, “cheese” sounds like a very nasal “ch”, and “JoJo” is “guh-guh”); waving to us at meal times and kicking off the prayer by putting both hands up in the air; going to sleep awake for naps and bed time; learning how to sleep through the night FINALLY; getting a kick out of throwing away his own diaper; becoming very fascinated with Jonas’ tricycle; breathing a sigh like mommy at nursing times and cracking up about it; and loving his favorite book “Five Silly Monkeys”.