It’s time for another installment of “What Did I Just Say?!?”. I know they’re all commands, but really when you find yourself in that situation…there’s no sweet way to say it…words just come rushing out with no filter whatsoever while you’re marveling at the ridiculousness of what you just said. Oh how much has motherhood changed me. Maybe it’s the multiple boys close in age thing or maybe it’s the frightening and sobering thought that it’s something I’m doing (or not doing)…but hopefully it’s just because they’re energetic and curious boys, being active participants in their own lives (and in the lives of others…ha!).
“I don’t want you using that saw.”
“Don’t lick the door.”
“Get off the windowsill.”
“Get out of the dryer.”
“Don’t spit on your brother.”
“Get off the trash can.”
I mean…really? Yes…really. (Half of these were directed towards my five year old.) God help me!