Xander and Roman had their first day of in-person schooling (for the first time since March 4, 2020) today!!!
Xander, who is a total homebody, was not at all excited about it. Bless his heart. Starting back to school after a break is always tough for him. But factoring in how long they’ve been out of the building this time around makes it that much more of a jump for him. Thus, the eye roll…
Roman was on the opposite end of the spectrum. He has BEEN ready to go back to school since the day they shut down in March. Bless his heart. He was so excited he was literally wanting to jump out of the car in the car rider line and run to school. Here he is smiling behind his mask…
This whole thing is so charactering. Our boys have totally different personalities and totally different learning styles/preferences. Xander would rather be at home, so remote learning is his jam and he has to drag himself to campus. Roman would rather be at school, so there’s much weeping and gnashing of teeth from him with remote learning and he can’t get to campus quickly enough. We are ALL being stretched beyond our comfort zones for longer periods of time than we would ever want to be during this time. The upside is that, hopefully, in the end…we’ll all be a lot more flexible and a lot more grateful in the here and now.