Summertime Camping…

We headed out to Percy Priest Lake this afternoon for a family camping adventure! We unloaded the van, loaded up the boat, boated around until we found a good camping spot, unloaded the boat, set up camp, went tubing, relaxed and ate dinner, went on a sunset cruise, ate s’mores, and pretty much tucked into bed not long after that. Tom slept on the boat, I slept in the big tent with Xander and Roman, and Jonas slept in the little tent by himself (but ended up moving his tent right next to ours before nightfall). It was decently warm out, so it was a little tough for everyone to get to sleep. Xander woke up at least twice in the middle of the night, if not more. And Roman woke up bright and early at 5:45 am, saying (really loudly) that he was hungry. Around 6:00 am, a whole banana boat tube full of screaming girls from Camp Widgiwagan made continual donuts right beside our campsite on the lake for a good 30 minutes. All of that to say, we had eaten breakfast, broken camp, and were packed up and headed back to the dock by 7:45 am, ready to get home and recover for the rest of the day. It was fun…just exhausting.

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