In his thirty-sixth month, Jonas is: still saying the darnedest things (“It’s okay, Mommy…be brave…it’s time to be brave” and “Mommy, what would be a good way for me to keep you in my room?”); taking a break from potty training; skipping out on his afternoon nap more often than not (although most of the time, when Mommy builds him a good “nest” on the floor with all of his pillows, blankets, and stuffed animal friends, he can’t resist a good long snooze); starting to spend a little more time enjoying playing with Xander instead of trying, in so many not so nice and at times downright mean big brother ways, to keep Xander from getting into all of “his” toys; getting really good at riding his tricycle downhill AND uphill; and delighting in Dr. Seuss books.