We had a great fourth of July…we stayed home, had fun, and just relaxed. It was one of the hottest days we’ve had in Tennessee in a long time.
Tom set up a water slide in the backyard for the boys…he rigged up a rain wand to pour down water at the top of the slide entrance and flow down to fill up the baby pool at the bottom. The boys had the absolute blast of their lives.
We also participated in our neighborhood’s first annual bike parade…a quick ride up and down the street. Tom led the way in the firetruck, Jonas rode his tricycle, and I pushed Xander in the stroller (it was too hot for Roman…for all of us really…so he stayed inside with one of our dear neighbors and had fun playing with her and her sweet boys). Having popsicles afterwards was such a welcomed treat.
The boys rode their tricycles in the empty fire department parking lot before dinner. And after they’d been in bed a little while (well, I don’t think Xander had fallen asleep yet), we woke them up to see the fireworks from our front porch. Jonas watched with sleepy interest for a little while, and then said, “Mommy, I want to go back to bed”. Xander clapped his hands and said, “Pop!”.