The boys and I went to the Smyrna Adventure Center today. We really enjoyed the pool…especially the slides, the climbing wall, and the lazy river. After we swam, we went inside and checked out the different exhibits.

Strawberry Picking…

The boys and I went strawberry picking today at our favorite place in Wartrace, TN…Valley Home Farms. We picked strawberries, petted the goat, and enjoyed farm fresh treats (the boys had blueberry ice cream and I had a strawberry honey pop…so delicious).

Tie Dye…

The boys and I did some tie-dyeing today!!! They each worked on a pillowcase and a t-shirt: Jonas chose a crumple and a spiral, Roman tried a bullseye and a spiral, and Xander just did his own thing. They turned out great, and we even had some dye left over. So, I think we might try it again later in the summer.

Jonas’ Art Show…

I’ve been thinking about my boys and how to encourage them in their gifts and talents. And I thought about how invaluable it is to have the skill to go along with the gift. So, I’ve been praying and watching my boys.

Jonas has been a gifted artist from a young age, so when I saw Martha Booysen’s Nashville Children’s Art Classes, I knew that it was for Jonas.

He started a little ways into the school year and has been working on some incredible projects once a week. He had an art show tonight, and it was absolutely amazing to me to see his work and know that it came from a 9 year old.

We are so grateful for his precious art teacher, Martha Booysen, and this is one of the many reasons why:
“Tonight after everybody went home and I’m cleaning up and getting ready for tomorrow night’s class I was thinking about what my job was with these young artists. I came to realize that it is to awaken possibility within them. How do you measure that? You look at their eyes. If their eyes are shining you know you’re doing it. If the eyes are not shining, I have to ask the question, who am I being that my artist’s eyes are not shining. This drives my definition of success. It is very simple. It is not about how many students I have in my classes, or wealth or fame or any of that stuff. It is about how many shiny eyes I have around me! I just love this job!”

Here’s to my shiny-eyed boy and his first art show.

1. Scratchboard Animal (3rd place)
2. Zentangle Art (2nd place)
3. Charcoal Still Life
4. Clay Self-Portrait (he did Xander instead of himself…love that)
5. India Ink Athlete
6. Color Design Famous Face (3rd place)

SnoCone Stand…

By God’s grace last summer (in between family vacation, VBS, and Encore), we struck a balance of going on three planned outings during the week and making up the rest as we went along. I was also able to come up with a list of 9 different activities that we could do at home on a lazy or rainy day. The boys each got to pick one a month and loved it so much that I thought we’d do it again this summer. We ended up tapping into our list early this year and had a SnoCone Stand two days after school got out…haha!!!

First, I found recipes on Pinterest for making snocone syrup with no artificial flavors or dyes (it’s basically just fruit, water, and sugar) and made strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, cherry, mango, peach, and kiwi.

Then, I picked up a cheap snocone machine from Walmart, ordered some squeeze bottles and snocone cups/spoon straws from Amazon, and we were off to the races. The SnoCone Stand was a big hit, so I think we’ll do it again later in the summer.

Roller Skating…

We took the boys to one of their best friends’ birthday parties this weekend at a roller skating rink!!! It is CRAZY how much it’s exactly how I remember it when I was a child (the carpet, the layout, the birthday party rooms, the skates, etc.). It made me so nostalgic.

The boys each had a different approach to learning, as they usually do, which was interesting to watch…

Jonas jumped right in, fell and got right back up, with continuous persistence.

Xander reminded me so much of myself as a child when I tried new things for the first time…he hung back and observed…then when he got up the courage to try it (on his own time, mind you), he expected himself to be perfect right out of the gate and got discouraged when he didn’t perform up to the picture he had in his mind…then he froze up and shut down. I kind of have to back off because I see all of the things I missed out on doing as a child because I was so afraid to fail and afraid of what others would think of me if I did…I want better for him and it’s hard for me to tolerate how fear and perfectionism affects him and those around him in times like that. Sigh. Enter Tom. He always knows just how to handle Xander in those moments…he sat down with him and in a few magical moments of Daddy/Xander time…had him up and trying again until he got comfortable.

Roman tried it out, fell and got super frustrated a lot, but stuck with it.

They had these fabulous PVC pipe trainers on wheels that the boys held onto and pushed in front of them to get the feel of things. What a great idea (and a lifesaver for my little guys)!!!

Tom put on a pair of skates and showed off his skills…he even won a race with the other daddies…of course.

All in all, it was an interesting adventure that the boys ended up really enjoying.