Thirty-One Months…

At thirty-one months, Roman is: enjoying having his own room; still trying to figure out how to not wake up at 5:45 every morning; loving music class with Mommy; getting sassy with his brothers and his parents; doing more than his share of talking, whining, and crying; trying and succeeding in engaging people in conversation (like to Grandpa, “So, where do you live?” and to Mommy, “How was your work today?”); and continuing to be the most loving and joyful little guy when he’s not in two year old mode.

“Why do people eat?”

Roman: “Petra is yelling at you.”
Mommy: “Petra, what are you yelling about?”
Roman: “She was woofing.”

“I say a potty talk word, and Jesus forgives me.”


Xander has been enjoying taking gymnastics and swim lessons, working on sight words, making his own special creations out of cardboard boxes, and rooming with Jonas. Here are a few of his most recent questions:

“Mommy can we get a pet horse this weekend?”

“Can I have some booger medicine please?”

Bird Feeder…

Jonas asked for some craft supplies this afternoon and set to work at the kitchen table making…a bird feeder. He was learning about sharing God’s love in Sunday school today and was encouraged to do acts of kindness this week…I didn’t even realize it until after the fact. So, I totally had to share the sweet story and pictures with his Sunday school teacher.

Hanging Out With Roman…

While Tom took Jonas and Xander to a birthday party this afternoon, Roman and I headed out to Centennial Park to hear one of my favorite all-time guy voices…Gabe Dixon. It was so sweet and like coming home to be led into the park by his voice…like a warm and delicious smell invites you into the kitchen. It’s not often that I get to go out and soak up music like I used to and not often that I get to share that huge part of my heart with my boys. So, it was such a delight to wander purposefully into the park with my little musical boy, Roman…sit down on a blanket, share a snack, and enjoy a great talent together. We had fun hanging out and dancing to the music. Afterwards, we ran up and down a few hills and fed the ducks. What a perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon!

Walking to School…

The boys and I decided to try out walking to school this morning. It was great to be able to do it with friends (it totally wouldn’t have worked otherwise since Jonas was running so far ahead and Xander was walking so far behind…luckily Roman didn’t start the fit pitching until we were on our way back). Here are a few pictures I was able to snap of the cuteness…Jonas with Eleanor and Xander with Claire.

Saturday Swim Lessons…

The big boys have started up a round of swim lessons on Saturday mornings. They are having fun and learning a lot. We usually try to get Roman in the pool with one of us during their lesson so he can kick around…otherwise he’s making a mad dash for the pool from the bleachers or he’s squealing and running in the hallways trying to get to the pool…if you can’t beat ’em join ’em. (He’ll be old enough to start lessons in the spring which I know he’ll be beside himself excited about.) Tom went with us today, so he got to join in on the fun.

Noble Springs Dairy…

Xander and Roman and I headed out to Noble Springs Dairy this morning for a tour. They usually really dig things like that, but for some reason…this time around…they became very quickly NOT INTO IT in a big way. Xander does not do hot or walking long distances. It turned out to be much warmer than I thought it would be, and my thought that I could get away without bringing the jogger stroller since I have such big boys now…was wrong!!! Looking back on it, I suppose it was quite funny but not in the moment to have two fairly big boys pitching laying down fits and refusing to walk while everyone else went merrily on their way. It wasn’t surprising to me in a way with the week I’ve had but still a bit of a kick in the pants on the way out the door at the end of the week. Needless to say, we left early. They were both excited about the barn cats, and that’s about it. The picture of Xander with the goat sticking his tongue out at him is pretty telling (definitely how I felt about my boys’ attitudes, obviously how the boys felt about the farm, and most likely how the farm animals, farmer and fellow tourists felt about my tantruming, wailing children). So there!

I Spy Downtown Franklin…

Xander, Roman, and I met a few moms and kids from our moms’ group for a preschool edition of a self-guided walking tour of downtown Franklin. It was really fun! It started out a little rocky with the bookseller arriving late to open up and only having one I Spy Franklin Preschool Edition book (we ended up just walking down to another shop to buy two more) and Xander pitching a fit because he didn’t want to leave the charming little kids’ room in the back of the bookstore without a story book he fell in love with (I totally get it). But the boys ended up getting really into it…I brought an extra piece of paper and a crayon for Roman, and he was right there in the middle of it. We spied the columns and a clock on the courthouse, the four owls on top of the buildings in the square, the statue of a man on the obelisk in the roundabout, the interesting shapes laid into the brick-face of the old bank, a gate that looked like gingerbread…and even made crayon rubbings of the first letters of the boys’ names from engraved stones in front of the courthouse and from a metal dial at the base of the monument in the square. I can’t wait to go back and take Jonas!

Sight Words…

Xan-Man has shown an interest in learning how to read lately, so I decided to resurrect our long lost “lessons” on Mondays and Fridays (when he’s not in preschool) and focus on sight words with him. I found this great packet for sight word practice on Pinterest, and he went right to town and LOVED it so much that he asks to do it every day now. Go, Xander!

Rainy Day Fun…

We’ve been taking it really easy this afternoon. The big boys intently worked on their cardboard box creations while Daddy organized the garage; and after Roman woke up from his afternoon nap, he very much enjoyed giving Ah-Ah a ride on his tricycle. While Daddy and Roman visited with a friend who stopped by to say hello…Jonas, Xander, and I took an impromptu walk in the rain and then went for a nature walk, collecting acorns in our butterfly net and piling them up for the squirrels.

Jonas Lately…

I’m several months behind on monthly updates, so I’ll try to catch you up on what’s been going on with Jonas. He loved gymnastics camp, swim lessons, the beach, special time with Audrey and Lily (and the rest of his Paccassi cousins), and VBS this summer. He’s always wanting to learn more…asking questions about everything from the trinity to the difference between the trachea and the esophagus to puns, synonyms, and homonyms. He’s definitely our super active little leader so I know he’s got lots of charactering coming his way to be able to bear the weight of his gift (it’s hard to watch and be apart of that sometimes but I know it’s life and that we all go through our own set of growing pains that make us who we are and in the end it will all be worth it). As far as kindergarten goes, he took to it right away and is loving his new adventure.

Nursery Rhyme Parade…

Xander, Roman, and I went to Jonas’ school this morning to watch the kindergarten Nursery Rhyme Parade. It was pretty sweet seeing all of those little people in their costumes. Jonas seemed to speed up every time he walked past me, so it was hard for me to get a good shot…that and the fact that Roman chose that entire time period to meltdown. We got to see Jonas’ shoebox shop in the hallway “village” and check out all of his friends’ creations as well. As I was trying to snap a few pictures in Jonas’ classroom, Roman was trying to sneak candy off of Jonas’ Jelly Beans store. Ah life with kids…what can you do?

Stone Door…

Tom and I were so excited to get to go on a quick backpacking/camping trip this week to Stone Door while Grandma and Grandpa kept the boys for us. It was super challenging as the trail was insanely rocky, but it was so very worth it for the incredible views. It reminded me of life, marriage, and parenting…while you’re in the midst of it sometimes you’re thinking this is so hard I don’t think I’m going to make it through this and why did I do this again but then you emerge from it all for a moment and are able to see where you’ve come from and where you’re going and it’s all so beautiful. Thank God for a little perspective every now and then!

Thirty Months…

In his thirtieth month (I know I’ve missed several lately…I’ll try to catch up soon), Roman is: loving his big boy bed (he’s still figuring it all out right now…chatting it up and having a hard time not falling asleep later and waking up earlier…but we’re working on it); winning the whiniest in the house award (which is a hard award to give to just one winner in our house but I think right now he’s hitting the funk that his brothers hit at 3…at 2…hopefully it won’t last through his 3’s as well); and enjoying one on one time with Mommy while the big boys are both at school in the middle of the week.