A Budding Sense of Humor…

Jonas is really quite the funny man with a great sense of comedic timing.  So, I thought I would share a few things with you that he has said and done lately that have just cracked us up:

In church one Sunday, when the young man who read the scripture left the altar to return to his seat, all was quiet on the congregational front and Jonas said, “ByeBye”.

At dinner the other night, I was telling Tom about an elderly gentleman who Jonas and I had seen in the church lobby during mass, who noticed me basically running around after Jonas and said over his shoulder on his way out the door, “I know who’s in charge”.  Tom thought about that for a minute and then decided to go to the source, who just so happened to be sitting in his high chair at the dinner table.  Tom said, “Jonas, who’s in charge?” Jonas said emphatically, “DaDa”.  Then, Tom said, “Who’s second?”  Jonas pointed to me with a wry smile and said, “MaMa”.  Finally, Tom said, “Who’s third?”  And Jonas clapped (which is something he does when he’s proud of himself) and smiled.  

Several mornings ago, when I was getting Jonas dressed, he thought I was finished before I was, straightened up tall, and hit my chin pretty solidly with his head.  To lighten the blow for both of us, I said, “Conk”.  He thought that was funny, and we had a good laugh together.  A few days later, he tripped and hit his head while he was playing.  He immediately put his hand on his head where it hurt, looked at me, and said, “Conk”.

Baby Seyfried Update…

So far we have had two prenatal appointments (at 11 weeks and at 17 weeks) with our midwife and have gotten to hear the sweet, reassuring sound of our baby’s heartbeat both times.  At our most recent appointment, our midwife laughed because the baby was moving around so much she was practically chasing him/her around with the doppler.  🙂  Today, we went for the ultrasound (at 18 weeks) and got to see our dear baby…what a miraculous blessing.  Be safe, dear baby, be well…as we look forward to seeing you again very soon…

(For more pictures, click on the “Baby Seyfried: Ultrasounds” page to the right.)

Snow, Snow, Snow…

We have more snow in Nashville right now than we have had in YEARS.  It is so beautiful and so much fun. We took Jonas out in our backyard winter wonderland to play yesterday, and when we came in, he kept making the sign for “more” with such a pleading little face that we took him back out for a ride down the snowy street in his green “cah cah”.

Car Car…

So, Jonas and I made a Publix run the other day with Grandma Connie, and he went for his first ride in one of those super fun CAR grocery carts for kids (that every adult wishes they could still ride in, right?).  He was so excited…turning the wheel, sitting up board straight on the edge of his seat, and kicking his little feet.  I think I had more fun than he did just watching him enjoy himself.  

The next day Tom suggested we all go for a walk and asked Jonas, Petra, and I to wait for him by the mailbox. Then, around the corner, he comes, wheeling the most awesome green car for Jonas, who was ecstatic.  With much gusto, he calls it his “cah cah” (for “car car”).  Yesterday, he even said, “DaDa, cah cah” and then he said “out”. HaHa!!!  🙂

First Haircut…

We took Jonas for his first haircut today.  He was very serious, keenly observant of his surroundings, and a little tender-hearted.  Overall, he fared really well and impressed the stylist with his sweet spirit and his first-haircut bravery.  I totally had a tearful moment watching one of the first of many rites of passage to come in the life of my little, baby boy becoming a big, grownup boy.

Snow Day…

So, I still get excited on snow days, even though I’m not the one staying home from school or work.  🙂 They’re just so hushed and beautiful.  Before breakfast, Jonas was looking out the window in his playroom (our living room), saw the snow falling down, pointed, and said “out”.  So, I promptly picked him up in his warm and cozy, fleece, footie pajamas, pulled a beanie down over his head and ears, and carefully carried him down our front steps into the makings of a winter wonderland.  He looked at the white flakes collecting on the ground and falling from the sky and looked at me and smiled the sweetest discovering-something-for-the-first-time smile…priceless.

Here are a few pictures taken during our before-lunch snow exploration…

Fourteen Months…

In his fourteenth month, Jonas is:  adding a whole new group of words and signs to his repertoire (the words “nana” for “banana”, “mome” for “oatmeal”, “minmin” for “cinnamon”, “mahmen” for “amen”, “bac” for “block”, “buh” for “button”, and “sic” for “music” AND the signs for car, toothbrush, massage, and light); REALLY helping us out by saying “up” and doing the sign for “sleep” when he’s ready for a nap or for bed; drinking whole milk (we have to water it down a bit to work him into the taste/texture but still…he takes it cold and in a sippy); trying a few new foods (tomatoes, oranges, and grapes); blowing on his oatmeal to “cool it off” after Mommy does; enjoying his two new favorite past times (saying “up” with a pleading face and climbing the stairs with Mommy or Daddy right behind him); exploring the house (especially the tupperware and the pots and pans drawer/cupboards in the kitchen); pointing at anything and everything and saying “dat” for “that”; stacking one block on top of another; asking for “music” with the words “sic” and “buh” and the sign for “music” and pushing four different buttons to hear his favorite songs; loving the new turning-the-fan-off/on-and-the-lights-off part of his bedtime routine; starting to explore the world of tantrum throwing; taking one champ nap in the middle of the day (2 to 3 hours) and continuing to sleep 12 to 13 hours at night without making a peep.

Christmas in Nashville…

We greatly enjoyed having Tom’s parents, Jackie and Phil, in town from Virginia as well as having my brother and niece, Darren and Kaia, in town from Norway for Christmas.  It was good times all around at the Haynes Family and Stuart Family gatherings.  🙂  

We missed having my brother, Kerry, here from Taiwan for Christmas…it just wasn’t the same without him. We very much look forward to his visit with us in February.

I noticed after the holidays had come and gone that I didn’t take a lot of pictures (the double whammy of Mommy and pregnancy brain, I suppose), but here are a couple of Jonas hanging his stocking and enjoying a few of his wonderful Christmas presents…

Uncle Darren and Cousin Kaia’s Visit…

We loved having my oldest brother, Darren, and my oldest niece, Kaia, in town from Norway for the holidays. What a delight to get to see Darren twice in one year and Kaia for the first time in nine years!!!

It was so good just to spend some quality time together.  One of my favorite highlights of their time here with us was watching them work together in the kitchen, putting together the most delicious traditional Norwegian Christmas dish made with potatoes, rutabagas, carrots, butter, and cream (and yes…it was every bit as yummy as it sounds).

Here are a few pictures from our visit…

Thirteen Months…

At thirteen months, Jonas is:  reminding us to pray at the table; pushing and pulling his toys; putting things in and taking things out of containers; shaking his head “no” when he touches something or does something he knows he isn’t supposed to; saying what a fishy says; holding on a little bit when you carry him (which really helps…he’s getting to be quite the tank); climbing and dancing; learning how to throw things (balls, toys, etc.); trying more and more foods (whole milk, egg whites, corn, raspberries, and strawberries); starting to really show his top two teeth when he talks and smiles and laughs; champing through his first ear infection (a double); saying “apah” for “apple”, “goo jah” for “good job”, “papa” for “pasta”, and “t” for “toast”; weaning from his night wakings/feedings and learning how to sleep (all the way) through the night; flirting with transitioning from two naps to one; hitting a HUGE growth spurt (eating like a champ); and slam dunking his pacifier in his crib after naptimes and bedtimes.

Footie Pajamas…

Here’s a picture of Jonas with all of his cousins on his Daddy’s side of the family…all dressed in the footie pajamas that Grandma Jackie bought them for Christmas.  From left to right and front to back are The Seyfrieds (Lindsey, Jonas, and Audrey), The Longs (Andrew and Kaitlyn), and The Paccassis (John, Peter, Sam, & Lily).

Seyfried Family Thanksgiving…

We really enjoyed spending Thanksgiving with Tom’s family in Virginia at his parents’ house (and having a wonderful overnight visit with my Uncle Tony and Aunt Nora in Johnson City on the way). Among my favorite moments were playing a competitive post-bedtime game of Euchre, sitting around the table and sharing what we were thankful for after Thanksgiving dinner, and taking part in the 2nd Annual Seyfried Family Turkey Games (highly recommended family field day fun!!!).

From left to right and front to back is Jonas’ Uncle Tim, Aunt Mary, Cousin Lindsey, Cousin Sam, Uncle Dave, Aunt Tree, Uncle Rich, Aunt Sherri, Daddy, Mommy, Jonas, Grandpa Phil, Cousin Kaitlyn, Cousin Audrey, Cousin Lily, Cousin John, Cousin Andrew, Cousin Peter, (Dixie), and Grandma Jackie.

1st Birthday Party…

We had a small family gathering at our house in celebration of Jonas’ 1st birthday.  I realized, after the fact, that I didn’t do a very good job of taking pictures because I was so in the moment.  HaHa!!!  But here are a few…one of his birthday cake and one of him tucking into it and one of him opening his presents with Daddy with his cousins Val, Annabella, Dylan, and Jordan gathered around checking things out.  🙂

Happy 1st Birthday, Jonas!!!

It’s hard to believe that Jonas is one year old.  I was just telling Tom the other morning, after Jonas (and I) had a particularly rough night of sleep due to teething, that there’s no way I could ever be anything other than happy to see him in the morning because, no matter what, he wakes up talking and smiling and laughing.  What a tremendous blessing he is…what a joyful spirit and an old soul who already exhibits great depth and discernment, intense curiosity, and a keen sense of humor.  How delightful it is to watch him grow…

(To look back over his first year in pictures, click on the “First Year” picture page to the right.)