Natchez Trace State Park…

We went to Natchez Trace State Park over Fall Break! We stayed in a cabin, went hiking and kayaking, relaxed in the hammock on the back porch, read books, took naps (Tom and I), played video games (the boys), cooked hot dogs and s’mores over the fire, etc. It was really relaxing and refreshing…I want to do it again next year!

Maverick City Music…

I fell in love with Maverick City Music in 2020 when the worship leader at Holy Family sent the link out to one of their songs (“Refiner“) for the worship team to learn. Over the pandemic, I found myself watching so many of their songs on YouTube and listening to just as many on Amazon Music and worshiping right along with them. I have had many God moments over the past few years where I’ve just broken down crying and praying and praising God…in the middle of cleaning the kitchen, working in the garden, running my long runs, etc. It has literally been life changing for me.

So, I knew that when things opened up again, I wanted to go see Maverick City Music. They weren’t coming to Nashville, so I ended up buying a ticket to see them in Kentucky.

The car I was driving broke down in the middle of the highway about a mile from the church where they were playing. Cars were honking at me and passing me. Finally, a mom in a minivan stopped and asked me if I needed some help, and I said, “Yes!” So, she and her teenage children got out of their minivan and helped me get my car to the side of the highway. Then, she asked me where I was going. I said, “Well, I’m actually headed to a worship night…” And she and I both said, “Maverick City Music” at the same time. That’s where they were going!!! I totally started crying…just feeling God’s presence and care of me through her. I found out that she works with special needs adults (I work with special needs kids), they live in the town where my hotel is, and her daughter’s name (who would be going to the concert) is Faith. Right?!? I mean. Amazing.

It was a beautiful night of worship. I was so grateful. The sweet family who gave me a ride there gave me a ride back to my hotel. Tom ended up coming up to get me the next morning (he was able to find friends for all of the boys to spend the day with), and we had a little date day on the way back home from Kentucky. Win! Win!

Exotic Animal Expo…

Tom and I took the boys and their best neighborhood friend, Jeremy, to an Exotic Animal Expo at the fairgrounds. We bumped into Tom’s friend, Brendan Reynolds, who is the “Reptile Guy”…he let the boys hold a banana ball python!!! They loved getting to see all kinds of exotic animals…spider monkeys, fennec foxes, sugar gliders, axolotls, etc. They especially liked the ones they got to hold…

Drum Lessons…

Roman is LOVING his drum lessons with Mr. Lael. He is so hands-on, encouraging, fun-loving…and teaches through songs Roman likes. Roman adds songs he’s interested in learning to Amazon Music, then Mr. Lael listens down with him and starts working on a song with him (if it’s one that fits the level of drums that they’re working on at the time). I have never seen Roman that engaged in and lit up by anything…it’s a beautiful thing. Today, he leveled up to Level 2!


Xander’s dreams came true today…we adopted a mini lop bunny!!!

There was a family on Facebook giving away their bunny for free, so we took the boys to visit him. Tom held him and immediately was like, “Okay. We’ll take him!”

Xander named him Clover. Holding him in the backseat on the way home, he said, “This is the happiest day of my life.”

Wilderness/Survival Adventure Course…

A few years ago, when Tom and I were watching “Alone” Season 6, we freaked out when we recognized one of the participants flying in to the wilderness via helicopter…Jordan Jonas! He’s the brother of Ben Jonas, Tom’s friend and old train hopping buddy. It was amazing watching Jordan on the show. I won’t spoil it for you, so if you haven’t seen it…watch it!

Anyway, Tom had the (what felt like a) once in a lifetime opportunity this summer to join Jordan and Ben and a group of 10 other adventurers for a weeklong wilderness/survival course in Idaho. Tom went with his good friend, Joel Miller, and they had the time of their lives. The boys and I missed having Tom at home, but I was so grateful that he got to feed his adventurous soul. He rode a donkey, swam in mountain lakes, camped out with the most beautiful views, swapped stories around campfires, and brushed up on survival skills (shelter building, friction fire making, fishing with homemade equipment, etc.).


Jonas and Xander had their Pop-A-Lock tonight at Mill Creek Middle School, where they pick up schedules, practice opening lockers, drop off supplies to homeroom teachers and lockers, meet their teachers, and say hello to their friends. Xander was all business…just ready to get done and get out of there (he’s like me when it comes to new environments and big crowds). Jonas was all about saying hello to friends and chatting up his teachers. I enjoy how different and great they both are…they’re getting to be such big guys. Here’s my up and coming 6th grader!